The Guinness Book of Words

Another cool book I got for free! :D

The Guinness Book of Words 01


Agree? :P

The Guinness Book of Words 02


Dear Parker, I’m inclined to concur with you! xD


Of all the things that I can post here after such a long time of absence, I chose these books. :P Blogging is a braw way to communicate with everyone and no one in particular.

(Braw is a new word I’ve learnt today! It’s Scottish. How can I not love Scottish when the creator of Sherlock spoke with a Scottish accent???)



A Christmas Carol from the Lamma Island :)

It’s a second-hand book I got for free when I went to the Lamma Island back in December 2013. I considered it my Christmas present from Charles Dickens! :D  (fyi: I am the most sane person I’ve known :P)

Where exactly was the French International School? :O

A Christmas Carol 01

Don’t you feel nostalgic when you see this? This used to be how we borrowed books from the public & school libraries!

A Christmas Carol 02

It’s amazing to hold and smell a book older than me. And read it too, of course. :P The 1962 edition.

A Christmas Carol 03

In early 2014, these books came to me!

There’s a possibility that I become a typical book collector who keeps bringing books home just to display them on the shelves and, you know, find a perfect place for the dust to rest. :P

I have no immunity to books ( one doesn’t need to be the brilliant Mr Sherlock Holmes to deduce this ). Dear Sherlock, this is so, so pretentious. Pardon me for my desire to appear more knowledgeable and bookish than I really am. (Though I do know the Earth goes around the Sun!)

(Ahem, yes, I enjoy talking to Sherlock from time to time)

Here are some of the books I bought in early 2014:

1. Through the Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages

Through the language glass

Bought this book with my first Bday book coupon! :D Before reading that book, I can think of one example right now: There are so many different Chinese terms we have for uncle, aunt, cousin…etc. Relationships between relatives are always so complicated! :P

2. Chinese Idioms and Their English Equivalents

Chinese idioms and their English equivalents

Interesting, isn’t it? :P

3. Stories of the Chinese Radicals

Chinese radicals

4. An Introduction to the Japanese Syllabaries


I bought it only because it looks cute….inside!

Japones 02

It reminds me of the first time I learnt to write. :)

I have too many things on my mind. Branches of words. All knotted and twisted.

Hong Kong History in Stamps (book :D)

(Note: It’s not an official English translation…>_< just my own translation of the Chinese book I’m reading!)

I’m crazy about stamps & postcards. :D Even the book I’m reading is about stamps. :P

Hong Kong history in stamps

I doodled in the book too. @@

doodling in book (by rabbitita)